'Absolutely Flawless' ★★★★★ - EdFringeReview 'mesmerising' ★★★★ - AllEdinburghTheatre 'poignancy that runs oceans deep' ★★★★ - pepper & salt reviews 'Genuinely Exciting' - The Scotsman
We’ve buried the toxic secrets of our atomic past under tainted soil – what will we tell the future when it digs them up?
Thumping bass, sweaty armpits, acid techno, thigh-highs, vinyl scratches… a sea of toxic waste.
Hedonistic Queer party-goer Rey is sent on a mission to bury nuclear waste in an underground nightclub. Through neon-lit hallways and graffiti-scrawled backrooms, Rey stumbles over intoxicated encounters and down psychedelic rabbit-holes to send a message deep through time. Is it worth it? Or should they just dance the night away?
A new play exploring the intersection between consent, climate crisis, gender, sexuality, and what to wear to a Techno Party.